AmazonFresh – Groceries to your doorstep in just 2 hours


Amazon has quickly emerged as one of the world’s most innovative companies. Famous for its excellent customer service, unique business model and, naturally, free lighting fast shipping as a Prime member – it’s no secret why we all love Amazon so much.

And it’s about to get even better… 

Enter: AmazonFresh 

Customers living in certain parts of Berlin and Potsdam will never have to go to the grocery store again. Recently, Amazon launched their own virtual supermarket, known as AmazonFresh. Customers can choose from more than 85,000 different items. This includes fruits, vegetables, fresh meat, bakery products, canned goods and much, much more. Whether you’re doing your weekly shopping on their site or just want to order a few specialty items, including organic, vegan, gluten free or lactose free products – AmazonFresh has got it covered.

How does it work?

AmazonFresh is exclusive to Prime subscribers. If you make your order by noon, same day-delivery is possible. Next day delivery between a 2-hour window is the other option, as long as the order is made before 11pm. Those using the service are also able to order an unlimited amount of items and free delivery is granted for orders of €40 or more.

“We want to allow clients to be able to have a complete week’s worth of purchases at home, including fresh and frozen goods,” says the German head of AmazonFresh Florian Baumgartner.

There are also safeguards to ensure customer satisfaction as well. For example, if a product you ordered isn’t in stock, the company will send a replacement until the item returns to their inventory. As well, if fresh foods do not meet customer satisfaction, the full cost of the item will be refunded.

Quality assurance is key

“The standards for food trade are extremely high. We want to take our time and begin with a very extensive range within a limited area,”Baumgartner continues.

As well, Amazon sees Germany as the second most important market behind the US. The testing phase in Berlin will be an important step to dictate the future of the service in Germany – with the hope of making it a service available throughout the country.

“For Amazon, Germany is the second most important market in the world. Whoever thinks that this company will only test things out over here – as to what will work and what won’t – is naive.”

As the experience for customers in Berlin plays out, Baumgartner says they will collect feedback to make the service better.

But competition is stiff in Germany

Germans already pay some of the lowest prices for groceries across Europe. The competition among retail shops is incredibly tight and some worry that the introduction of another channel will make things worse for local producers. Amazon plans to address that issue by offering local product to consumers. This means giving consumers the option to choose from items produced in their region – which also provides a steady revenue stream for local farmers.

In Berlin, for example, customers can choose between 25 local stores such as Sagers coffee roaster, Lindner gourmet shop and Rausch chocolaterie.

