The bad poll numbers are indicating that the SPD’s top candidate will have to step aside after the Berlin elections. Germany’s capital city could get a Muslim mayor: the current SPD head of the parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives Raed Saleh.

A poll for the federal election on September 18th indicates that the SPD is currently only at 21 percent. The Social Democrats are just ahead of the CDU, Greens, Left Party and AfD. And for the first time in Berlin, there will be no two-party government. The most probably option seems to be “Red-Green-Red”.
For Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD), a result of only 21 percent would be a defeat. In the 2011 House of Representatives election his party had to gain 28.3 percent of the vote.
Raed Saleh could be Berlin’s first Muslim mayor
Hence, Gunnar Schupelius expects that the SPD will “react graciously” after the elects and will “send its head of state to the desert” (to oust him). That’s how it always happens, and the social democrats are prepared for that, he writes under the title: ‘Will Raed Saleh become the new Mayor after the election?’
Raed Saleh (39) is the chairman of the SPD faction in the House—but hardly any Berliner knows him. Instead, he prefers to be in the background.
Entrepreneur, father, Muslim
Raed Saleh was born in the West Bank and came to Berlin as a child. He graduated from high school at the Lily-Brown High School in Spandau. In addition, he is married with two sons and a successful entrepreneur. He is also an avowed Muslim.
Saleh is also dedicated to integration and building unity among Berlin’s immigrants. He sees his work in grassroots programs which focus on the economy, education and integration. Gunner Schupelius writes in his column:
Saleh is an experienced businessman and free from any pre-conceived ideologies. He would be open to the CDU, the Left parties and the FDP. He would choose to work with those parties with whom he could deal with the most and then quietly move into the Red Town Hall.
In my opinion, the SPD shouldn’t continue, however. It has been involved in the government for more than 27 years and provided the mayor since 2001. They are tired and need a break. But, if they do emerge as the strongest party from the election, Raed Saleh might not be a bad mayor.
If Saleh were elected, Berlin would join London as the second European capital with a Muslim mayor. At the beginning of May, Londoners chose the Labor politician Sadiq Khan as the new mayor.
Could journalists stop pointing out people’s religions?
agreed Steve . Journalistic integrity is dead …. sold out by the $$$. Stories are scewed by sensationalized headlines fuelling the fires .
Because Religion is politics if ya hadn’t noticed sweetheart, the main politics of your area is like Roman Catholic? Or Christian?
How do you people not know it’s the exact same thing lol it’s beyond me
Surely the important question isn’t what faith he follows, it is , is he the right person for the Job, In the case of the London Mayor, look at the figures, London has a Muslim population of 600,000, including those not eligible to vote, but he received over 1.4 million votes. So many people voted on the fact that they believe him to be the right man for the job.
Yeah and it sounds like the London mayor is starting his sharia law garbage. No bikini clad women on the tubes walls. They’re “body shaming”. No. It’s Muslim pressure. Plain and simple
Never…lol not until the next controversial issue comes along….
For Gods Sake Berlin .. NO!!! look what the Muslim Mayor of London has started to do to OUR capitol!! DO NOT SLEEPWALK INTO SUICIDE!!
What did he do? I live in Canada and I haven’t kept up with British politics.
He turned buckingham palace into a massive mosque, and renamed the city Londonistan….in John Battys delusional state of schizophrenia.
Ermair von Kahn hahaha well played
I want to know too. I was born and raised in a city in Canada with a Muslim mayor and I went to Catholic school in the city my whole life. Go figure.
Can you start talking about values- NOT RELIGION???
What Muslim values
They haven’t got any !
Terry Barrow and Ron James– nice to hear from you perfect beings!!!
You did not get it!
Berliners use your heads!! Look what obama has done to the US.
American again want him as a president☺.
I saw this comment and then had a look on your page and I have one question:
Is it hard to see through those eyeholes on your KKK mask
Every Muslim I know is a better person than you Edward
Even the ones that kill innocent people ?
Except Edward Obama isn’t a Muslim , you plum. And before you come back with the , his grandfather was a Muslim , that would mean that on logic Britain has a Muslim Foreign Minister, because Boris Johnsons Grandfather was a Turkish Muslim.
Dave Morrow: Forget Grandpa and your so called logic. Obama, on more than one occasion, has said he is a Muslim.
Edward Tigchelaar Source? Probably some conspiracy bullshit. He is NOT Muslim.
Margaret Hales: Read Obama’s book, Dreams from my Father. Secondly, do what Charles Krauthammer suggested when he said in 2007: Forget what Obama says, watch what he does. What Obama has done consistently is to promote Islam and to demote Christianity. Check it out Margaret. It’s an eye opener.
Margaret Hales Re: Sources (Conspiracy BS may come later). Check out BHO’s book Audacity of Hope, Page 261. Quote: “If the Political Winds should shift, I will side with the Muslims”. Margaret, a Christian (which Obama claims to be) could never, under any circumstances, make such a statement and still call himself a Christian.
if he’s muslim, and that’s been destroying the usa, explain america’s continued support of israel.
Haha you’re such an ignorant fool.
A disaster in the making for sure!
They could do worse ! Who cares what this guy’s religion is if he is competent . London has a great mayor and so does Calgary.
london has a great mayor? behave yourself lol
Marcus Bell yes he is !
London has a major who sups with hate preachers,the end of uk as we. Know it!
London does not have a great major. The creep has only been in for a few months and his true muslim colors are already showing through. He wants to enact laws that make it illegal to criticize islam. Man, you socialist, left types so blind, so presumptuous. To much.

Rachel Gingras you live in quebec, youre from quebec, how do you know so much about our mayor. or is it just because he probably said youre free to come here when you please

I have been to London a number of time and am a avid reader of news from various sources and this well educate , polite , urbane and inclusive mayor is certainly an improvement on the ignorant , divisive foul mouthed Boris Johnson !

PS I’m a proud socialist !

He was born in Judea and Samaria.
Berlin will be getting what it deserves
Don’t be idiots, most Muslims can’t leave religion out of the job they are supposed to do. You got Frau Merkel the closet Muslim which should be enough for any city to cope with
Çela regarde les gens de Berlin
Slowly but surely, they take over the world, one city at a time. Soon you too will be ‘subjected’ to the Religion of “Peace”
They prob need it lol could help them
Just watching Schindlers list, maybe Muslims and Germans have more in common than you would think.
It’s a movie based on a book which is fiction. The names, characters and events are all fictitious yet it’s sold like it’s history. Auschwitz prisoners were able to send and receive mail, they had a library and schools, live theatre and movie night they even had a brothel. They had an orchestra and played sports and had a pool. They had dentists and hospital, over 3000 born in Auschwitz. They were labour camps and they even paid them for their labour.
Oscar Schindler was a member of the Nazi party and he is buried in Israel on Mount Zion. He was no angel but he recognised evil even if you choose denial. Holocaust denial is a crime in Germany and who would wish to deny it happened more than them. I think their shame blinds them to the danger they are putting the whole of Europe in. It’s like the World is on one sick merry go round of evil. With Russia and Turkey in Syria and the US and NATO on the opposite side who knows where we are heading next.
Ethan Vanidour Riiiiight. Get your head out of your ass, and look at some reliable sources. It was hell.
… again Russians will bomb Berlin.
Will they never learn!
Not unless you fiddle the vote like your counterparts in UK
More chance of Jerusalem getting an Muslim mayor.
Slowly,but surely in case yu hadnt noticed.
Yep. It’s happened elsewhere.
HOnest to god people, what is the matter with this? Not all that long ago a similar post could have been made about Jews. Or Catholics in the US. The number one ranked mayor in the world (of Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is a Muslim…and is doing wonderful things for the city. Get a grip!!!!!
Paula . you dont get it do you. They are taking over. You are a bloody fool.

My God people are morons. They’re not talking over, they’re just being given the opportunities that Christians and Catholics have been given…

Talk about moron Kaylin, pull your snout out of the horrific and blinding socialist, left wing kool aid. They are taking over, they scream it out loud all the time all over the world, they even have a name for it, they call it a world wide caliphate, they even have a process for achieving, they call it a jihad, or un-holy war against the world. Don’t be so naive and stupid about such things. They are an ideology, not a race nor are they a religion, much like nazism. It is inaccurate and ludicrous to compare them to Christians and pagans or what you call catholics. To help you get a better grasp, I will leave you with a few videos to get going on an actual educated opinion on the topic.

If that’s true you know that can’t be good
Not if they’ve any sense.
They just lowered the age of consent in Turkey to 12 years old to accommodate the Muslim thirst for little kids and first cousins. Awesome !! How progressive !!
Your fucked if you do
I want to see a white lesbian take a seat of power in saudi. If not,why not?
I sure hope not!!
Eat shit Muslims.
there goes any chance in getting rid of muslims in Germany
And just how do you propose to remove all muslims from Germany or any other country for that matter.
Same way they do with other backgrounds without death as have been done before
Why NOT ??
Hitler is rolling over in his grave lol
Actually, Hitler had no problem with Muslims. There were quite a few in the SS, an entire division or two in fact.
Calgary has had a Muslim mayor for a while and he’s been effective and quite popular.
Calgary didn’t suffer mass organized sexual assaults in the streets on New Year’s Eve
Which I believe occurred in Cologne rather than Berlin but you get the picture.
Petar Ticinovic Only criminal element of the Muslim community did that. Obviously, this guy isn’t one of them. Just like some Germans hated Jews, but not all of them.
Yep, he’s a true Muslim alright. He didn’t say a damn thing against it when his brethren in faith attacked Jews in Calgary year before last. People are so stupid not to see his true agenda.
Oh well, aren’t jews always being attacked for some reason or another? It’s not that I’m stupid, it’s that I don’t care because I figure jews can take care of themselves as they often seem to, especially by proxy. 🙂 And Calgary didn’t have mass sex assaults on new years eve because the Flames seldom lose an important hockey game at that time of year, not to mention the fact that people are less likely to misbehave when it’s -30 outside.
Calgary’s Muslim mayor, is also gay, so it is pretty ironic in more than one sense…
Mike Watson He isn’t, he’s just single, because there are more men than women in our city.
It’s just wishful thinking on Mike’s part. I think he’s into the tall dark type
God fucking damnit you need to deport them they’re all fucking rapists.
Read up on the crusades.
Could they? All of the EU will be Muslim in 40 years.
Evidence of that please. Substantive evidence not perception.
That’s like demanding evidence that the Titanic will indeed sink as the water is gushing in everywhere. It’s all over the internet and is obvious to anyone who bothers to do the math.
That’s the game. Muslims take over capitals with the help of liberal socialist leaders. Merkel, Obama, Trudeau,etc. Lord , I pray you would open the eyes of the people who want to stay blind and give them courage
is you’re so against muslims, why are you praying to their god?
I can see where we’re gonna have to bail them out again. Don’t they ever learn?
Probably on the agenda, if my predictions are as faithful as they have been over the past fifty years !
This world is screwed.
Only if he gives merkill .one..and puts it on yutube…yea..
Here we go !!!!
I personally couldn’t give a toss
Sadiq Khan is the Mayor of London and he appears to be doing an okay job
I don’t agree with many of his political views but his religion has no bearing on his ability to do the job
Just wandering did he married a Muslim woman or a Christian?
Doing an ok job ? are you a complete MORON or what ??? banning underwear ads on the tube so his muslim pals don’t lose control of their urges and rape some poor girl ?? wanting to turn of cctv cameras when London is already a hellhole because of the invaders with stabbings becoming a daily occurence ? wanting to implement Sharia law in London ?? so obviously his religion/cult has nothing to do with his job ?? MORONS like you make me weep for the future of our children and should be sterilised !!
So you’re pissed off about the lack of female objectification on the tube?
Not at all…
But at the same point are you telling me that you dont get pissed up white lads on the tube on a weekend being rude and obnoxious to women?
Just a matter of time before they take over
God help them if they do!
Crazy, they are really going out of their way to get these people in power.
If Europe carry on this way we will have a Muslim in every corner telling us what to do, and if you don’t you will be called a racist. Be very careful with 60 millions of them and counting plus millions of white European from the left welcoming them the future is very interesting
This sounds like when europeans came to north and south america, except muslims who have immigrated didnt wipe out entire ethnic groups
Not yet…
Ermair von Kahn Since the 7th century Islam has been responsible for the deaths of 280,000,000 people. What other group in history has a death toll of that number?
Why are they falling over themselves in every European country to help these Muslim animals. All of these left wing loonies are going to ruin Europe and the rest of the planet. God help us !!!
It may as well most of the people living there are .
And there is no all encompassing plan !!! ???
No more than white christians having all the positions of power. But that’s okay, isn’t it? Because they’re not niggers, sand version or otherwise. Right?
Yes, they could get a Muslim mayor, because their stupid quotient has risen sharply over the years.
Calgary has a Mayor that’s Muslim. Why not? He’s a mayor that is Muslim. If you say he’s a Muslim Mayor, then you’re a part of the problem.
Incorrect, Chris. It was the MUSLIM mayor-elect of London who warned people to be nicer to his fellow Muslims, like a threat or something. Your being a cheerleader isn’t helping. On the contrary, you’re part of the problem, being so blind and tolerant of the religion of subjugation.
I think you’ve got this somewhat wrong. I live in London, and I have no problem with our new mayor. He’s got a modern outlook and I think he’s quite appealing. I don’t think that he’s thinking of advancing Islam here at all, just getting on with his job. His religion is secondary, I’m sure.
Religion of subjugation !!!!! Islam is the religion that teaches believe in the ones of God and do good to be successful. ..and we love it but your not the first to talk like that the arabs of the time of the prophet pbh talked like that and worse and islam overcame it
Dan Coleman
Actually the mayor of London didn’t threaten anybody , he suggested it would be nice if we all tried to work together.
There I was thinking the New Testament taught something very similar , seems a lot of people today are Christian in name only.
That would be the first muslim Renate that puts their ideology secondary. I read a news article recently where he is trying to enact a law in London to make it an offense to critizie islam. Yep, really fair and upstanding. Man, the socialist, left world view is truly a blind one.
Only absolute fools among us would think that all muslims that become major won’t act out in favor of islam in all its horrendous evil if given a chance. The foolishness, ignorance, naivety and blindness of the socialist, left wing mind set, which islam takes advantage to get into places to manipulate and set up for islam has got to be stopped and people who are to blind not to see islam and the followers of it, muslims for what they truly are should just let those that see the truth lead. For example, all the islamic leaders in the Middle East have done nothing but, reek chaos and evil onto the country’s they are supposed to be leading, with a demonic drive to harm Israel and Jewish people, as well as Christians. In London, the foolish, muslim major there wants to make speaking against islam a crime and the many abuses and atrocities that are islam should be screaming at us to stop their infiltration, not electing them to public post anywhere! It is no secret that the socialist, feminist, political correct, left wing mind set that stands up for, supports and enables islam to infiltrate many Western country’s is by far a big part of the problem and plays into the hands of the globalist, New World Order people, who are using islam to create chaos and danger in the world so that martial law and a One World government, One World Religion and One world Monetary system can be implemented, it has already started.
Funny how you wrote all that hate and your claiming islam is hate

Wow,dummy has a YouTube video.What a shock.

Only absolute fools among us would think that all muslims that become major won’t act out in favor of islam in all its horrendous evil if given a chance. The foolishness, ignorance, naivety and blindness of the socialist, left wing mind set, which islam takes advantage to get into places to manipulate and set up for islam has got to be stopped and people who are to blind not to see islam and the followers of it, muslims for what they truly are should just let those that see the truth lead. For example, all the islamic leaders in the Middle East have done nothing but, reek chaos and evil onto the country’s they are supposed to be leading, with a demonic drive to harm Israel and Jewish people, as well as Christians. In London, the foolish, muslim major there wants to make speaking against islam a crime and the many abuses and atrocities that are islam should be screaming at us to stop their infiltration, not electing them to public post anywhere! It is no secret that the socialist, feminist, political correct, left wing mind set that stands up for, supports and enables islam to infiltrate many Western country’s is by far a big part of the problem and plays into the hands of the globalist, New World Order people, who are using islam to create chaos and danger in the world so that martial law and a One World government, One World Religion and One world Monetary system can be implemented, it has already started.

Its more and more difficult to support Israel with fanatics like you spewing hatefull nonsense.

What a stupid moronic comment Pete! My comment filled with truth and nothing about Israel and you in your vulgar left wing response attack Israel, what a racist creep. Goof! No wonder your single. What a creep.

No fuckin way
You are correct , nobody who belongs to ANY religious group should be elected to anything other than church organist !
Holy fuck, the bigotry in these comments. Half the time you fucks was them to integrate, but if they DO integrate, or integrate too well for your awful tastes, they’re trying tot ake over. Just call them sand-niggers and heil Hitler and be done with it, huh?
Because Germany will not put up with Islamic laws
Oh, well good thing NONE ARE BEING PUT ON THE TABLE.
Where the fuck did you hear he wants Sharia law? Let me guess off someone as retarded as you
Shaun Stephenson
They are from Crewe , have some compassion.
If they do The term “Dumkoffs” would certainly apply. !!
Not if they have ANY sense at all !!!
The Trojan horse
Wow so according to all of you people we need societies that are only one religion? so everyone of every different faith and creed must be put into different fenced in countries in case they have different opinions… because of course we know that if a Christian mayor was voted in or a Sikh mayor or a agnostic or what ever they would of course show favouritism to their faith… We all know that people who are doing their job or profession cannot do it without leaving their religion out of it…Right…? Right?…. You people are so ingrained in your hatred that you don’t even begin to make sense…. And of course you are all white…. probably at some point raised Christian and of course that makes you all experts on Sharia law and the Muslim faith… and politics….and of course you all know this man who is running for mayor… Expects…. everyone of you…..
Do you want a delusional individual who believes in talking snake’s, unicorns, flat earth, and that rape and murder are okay under certain conditions in charge ???
Ken Hill no I certainly don’t want Donald Trump in charge….
Dawna Koepke have you any idea of what is happening in Europe?!
Kay Chester Yes actually I do because I research it. Due to the news of the Cologne attacks there has being a rumour mill produced by the extreme right… So lets get to facts… In 2016 Politifact deemed Donald Trumps statement that “Germany is crime riddled right now because of migration the Europe” as mostly false The fact Checker noted that Germanys crime rate particularly the violent crime rate is far lower than the U.S. data suggest crime rates of the average refugees are lower than that of the average German…. A report by Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Report or BKA shows that refugees increased by 440 percent of the population 2014 2015 number of crimes by refugees 70% only 1% sexual…. The number of crimes committed against refugees has increased… also after the collapse of the Soviet Union more than 3 million people of German decent migrated to Western Germany which led to a significant increase in crime… Again the statistics show that most sexual attacks from migrants are coming from men who migrate from Northern Africa while Syrian and Iraqi are lower.
Dawna Koepke go back to sleep.
Right, rumours made by the right.. What research have you done other than the ficticious articles posted by cultural marxist and anti-western sources? I’m certain in any other case, you’d want to haul people off to jail for the mere accusation of rape, let alone mass rape made by a single, INVASIVE demographic.
Ryan Squires The rumours by the right was not my quote but a quote from Politifact . I am not belittling or denying any report made by women in Cologne that night. The German police investigated and found their were attacks made mostly by migrant groups of men from the North Africa region. The point is that in the hatred of Muslims the extreme right are promoting a viewpoint that Muslims have a rape culture . This is unfair and unfounded. If you look at the actual statistics you would see that the percentage of sexual crimes committed by refugees is low compared to the amount of sexual crimes committed by the normal European culture. I find it laughable when people point fingers at a culture without examining their own. Rape comes from all cultures and religions with very little consequence from the justice system to the rapist and a lot of condemnation to the victims…Check out pornographic sites…There is a strong mistreatment of women theme going on in the storylines. American has the most sexual trafficking in the world…. Child pornography and booking trips to poor countries to pay for sex with children extremely popular among Western and European cultures… So before you want to hang all Muslims for treating women badly maybe you should look at your own culture?
No we need societies that are NO religion
And lol, the German police investigated and lied. The initial report said nothing happened. Then they said 100 women were sexually assaulted. Now a leaked document comes out indicating they lied a SECOND time and 1200 women were assaulted by thousands of migrants.
Your country is lying to you about the violence against women it’s importing.
> rape comes from all cultures
Yes, but it’s institutionalized in Islamic ones.
Comparing rape to porn is fucking retarded lmao what the fuck are you on?
Pornography is a choice women make to participate in for money. It’s not rape by any stretch of the imagination.
>”booking trips to poor countries to have sex with children”
That’s not a westernized problem then, is it? Wouldn’t it be the problem of the culture being visited? lmao you are dense.
Michael Miguel Mikhail If you really read what I wrote I not comparing rape to pornography I was saying that a lot of porn is fantasy about violence and abuse to women… and also incest eg. teen with step father titles….. so I am saying that our society that use to be based on Christian beliefs is so fast in pointing the fingers at other religions…And you are mentally handicapped if you are saying that booking trips to countries to have sex with children is not a Western problem…Are you kidding me? My god the fact that Western and European men want to do this.. is a huge sick problem…The fact that people take advantage of poor countries who allow this to happen to their children because of their extreme poverty is the worlds problem…my god do you read what you write? Also I still stand by the fact that the percentage of Migrants who came into Germany compared with the sexual crimes committed by them… is very low in comparison to the amount of sexual crimes done by citizens of these countries…. that is just a fact…look it up…read it….
Don’t elect him !!!!! Big mistake
Have they not learned from our Mistake!
What mistake ? Im a Conservative by nature but the present mayor was by far the best candidate and has not put a foot wrong up to now.
Obviously only a conservative by nature, not by practice !
Ron James
You are wrong , I voted Zak because of misguided loyalty , he wasnt the best candidate. In any case being conservative may equate to bigotry in your world , it never has in mine.
Ron James so your definition of conservative is “bigot”?
Khan wants to reverse the democratic vote on the E.U he also believes in Shia law! This is great Britain…and we Want to Stay British!
Maybe they will be able to put women in their Islamic place & that would be a tragedy.
Have you actually ever seen a picture of the London mayor or his familly ?
I haven’t seen the sale of young girls by ISIS, I haven’t seen the abduction of school girls by Boko Haram, I haven’t seen the children in the school in Russia seized by Chechens, I never even met my wife’s two uncles killed by MILF. But I think it all happened. The only peace in Islam is found in its cemeteries.
So all Muslims are fundamentalist Islamists yes , sad !
Have you noted the great Muslim protests against the dailyhorrors done in the name of Islam? Me neither.
What a bunch of imbecilic, bigoted idiots.
Who gives two hoots about his colour, religion, creed or background, surely all that matters is the best man (or woman) for the job?
Thankfully the vast majority of people aren’t like the fossils on social media.
Facebook is a sesspool of stupidity. Never look at the comments someone will always try to be offensive or bigoted
It really is, I thought a connected world would enlighten people but sadly it seems to be the opposite.
Ya, because all of the Muslim countries where you roaches come from are such garden spots !
I’m from England you bigoted old fool but you’ve obviously never traveled beyond your front door.
It doesnt matter where you ‘come from’ any country RULED by muslims is a cesspool. THAT is the problem
You are one really thick person, I feel sorry for your ignorance and stupidity.
Dubai? Malaysia? Turkey? Indonesia? UAE?
You’re the only cesspool I can see.
We have muslims in our government and the little blind liberals think it is just wonderful.
You probably have some retarded Christian Creationists as well , thats ok with you I suppose.
Pete Munday Hey you little Nazi….I was making a statement. I understand that you tiny little brain can’t comprehend the difference. So now go to you space and stick you thumb in you butt.
Im the opposite of a Nazi , do try and keep up !
Actually you probably think Nazi is good , were you complimenting me ?
And why not? Calgary has a Muslim mayor who does a great job & is very popular.
We absolutely love him! He’s brought lots of sensible policies in.
Margaret Hales Thank god for some voices of reason..but it is falling on deaf ears… they hear Muslim and the hate just spills out of them….
Join Rotterdam.
downhill trend, course Calgary has one already
There is a big difference between a Muslim Mayor and a Mayor who happens to be Muslim. This gentleman is a Mayor in waiting who happens to be Muslim.
They’re taking over just like London
Yes Paul keep taking the medication it might help you realise that no one is taking over London. You would have a different attitude if a Muslim or any other ethnic group wants to invest millions in London and create jobs, then you will be able to come off benefits and start paying your way like everyone else!
Very funny but I have worked all my life, raised a family and owned my own home. Never had benefits, they’re for people like you. Who come to this Christian country and rape it of all goodness.
I think you will find that Sadiq Khan – London’s Mayor – has a lot in common with you Mr Harcourt – he too has worked hard all his life, as have his family, etc etc…
Paul Harcourt Snr
So when did your paranoid delusions start , have you seen a doctor ?
It started when muslims invades Europe by German invitation. Passing safe countries. Beheading people and blowing them up. People like you protect them and feed their desire to kill.
Wow I missed all that , what part of London did that happen in.
And can you show me the press release where the mayor stated his desire to kill.
What are you talking about pete munday? You say I’m delusional. How did it escalate to the mayor killing people? Who may know what he is planning. Like the trojan horse. They work from the inside. He has already removed posters of woman in costume. I’m positive there will be more to come. Invading our way of life. Let’s not forget Lee Rigsby.
Paul Harcourt Snr
I despise terrorism , despise all Fundamentalist nutcases who slaughter people in the name of ‘God ‘. I also think wholesale migration to Europe is a bad idea and will cause a lot of problems.
What I am not is an ignorant fuckwit who believes , for whatever reason , that everybody who happens to be Muslim is a blood thirsty savage , understand ?
funny, i never noticed christians “taking over” while they are and have been in the vast majority of european mayorships for decades
Christians don’t take over a Christian country.
funny? go take a look at France and what is going on there and let me know how funny things are.
bernard and darlene: there is no such thing as a “christian” country other than the vatican states…wow, you folks have issues–bet you don’t travel much
BernardLandymore…. how many christian countries weren’t christian at one point? All of them.
Exactly – Christians can lead without enforcing their religion on everyone. Take a look at places where Muslims rule – can you say the same?
Susan Hamilton morocco, turkey, jordan–none with sharia imposed…all muslim-majority…even egypt where coptic christians are respected
That’s a minority of Muslim States Lynne, what Christian nation can you think of imposes their religious doctrine on anyone? I have traveled extensively, including the Muslim world – the Muslim world is the most imposing of it’s ideology. Conjuring up a handful of best case scenarios doesn’t help your pathetic argument lol
Ryan Squires the fundies are trying to impose their views on us right here in the u.s.
(((((AMERICA)))))) !!!! The Democratic Party is killing the Dreams of many Black Americans , by pushing welfare and more fail policies that have created a dependency as thoe they were a drug addict hooked on drugs……those policies thoe needed in some cases have stunted the growth of inner city communities across this nation and many young people creativity and innovation …. And That dependency has made many of our people lazy…… It’s time for the Black community to say I am fed up , enough is enough it’s time to kick this bad habit, and make a real effort to rebuild our inner city communities one by one …..Mrs Hillary Clinton called the back youth of the inner cities ” Super Predators ” who need to be healed by throwing them in prisons ” in a well thought out speech in support of her husband’s crime bill ….. No wonder there is a war on the streets with themselves , and police with these kind of fail policies in place …….. Like Mr Donlad J. Trump says ! (((((What Do We Haif To Lose ))))) ??? And the answer is “, another generation who Dont believe in the American Dream ….. Yes Sir ” , the “TRUTH” is hard to hear, and “CHANGE” is hard to make “, especially when you’re in denial and going through withdrawals of a bad habit that’s hard to break …..we the people, by the people, and for the people….
Did you know some subways shops are halal meat only?
Some shops only sell Kosher meat as well , and Vegan shops dont sell meat at all , its awful !
Haha meat is from animal’s that were sacrificed. !!!!!!!! I would NEVER EAT IT.
If they do Germans will get crazy
Just some. It’s happened before.
Ich denke es ist eine scheiBe wahl
A Christian (which Obama claims to be) cannot say those words.
Ed Tigchelaar
What the hell anything is possible we got one that’s a President, and almost all of his cabinet is muslim, pretty soon say within 4-5yrs we’ll awake every morning with the chant, and have breaks during the day with prayers all the people going to work will bring their prayer rug with them. IT’S THE NEW AMERICA.
I would seriously advise you to upgrade your medication.
Pete Munday did i post something that is untrue and upset you.
Didnt upset me in the least , none of it is the least bit true though , I think even you know that.
Its all true. U think Obama isnt a muslim? Look up his cabinet they’re almost all muslim. Seriously
paranoia will get to know ya
I never let facts get in the way
John Eacrett you are absolutely right , is true , and yes all Obama cabinet is Muslim today , you are a great American , thank you
I’d have to say, I try my best.
I can’t believe it, wake up Europe
They are gone , dead
How’s it all working out for ya , wake up
The present mayor of London is doing a good job , thanks for asking.
Gone the same way as France . Thank God we r out.
Have any of you guys ever met any Muslims?
I havent met any but i see their work in Syria, China, Iraq, Iran, Turkey,Pakistan, Afghanistan, Belgium, France, and other counties with terrorist. They Treat woman really well. Why i hear they’re even going to allow them to vote some day i also hear they look very favorable on the gay community
You know that not all Muslims are the same yes ?
Jesus said… “I am the One”. He never said I’ll send someone else in 6 centuries. These people can’t be around Christians
Pete Munday, You’re obviously a terrorist stooge. You’re on every comment defending terrorists and urging people to be shariah compliant. You’re not very intelligent.
I have met muslims – obviously they are not all terrible people….DUH??? However only a totally blind naive person cannot see the glaring oppression that muslims bring to a country when they RULE the country – hello??? Wake the fuck up
Nooooo don’t do it. Look what’s happened to London and now he’s on a jolly to America to meet Clinton all payed for . What’s that visit got to do with London. He wants sharia law too. Say no.
Whats happened to London and who wants Sharia law ? Do you actually know what Sharia law , as allowed in Britain , is ?
So many small minded people , really quite tragic .
hmmm….does sharia law appeal to you??
No why would it ?
Seems pretty irrelevent as our London mayor is not an Islamist , does not support Sharia law ( which I bet you dont comprehend anyway) wears western clothing , as do his wife and children , and engages in a western lifestyle.
Ellen Luczka
Does going to a priest , pastor or Rabbi for spiritual advice or guidance appeal to you ?
politition,must be true?
the real tragedy is so many spineless people…. you’re welcome
you have a point tho about the outstanding job the london mayors doing.. knife crime soaring.. gun crime up.. homelessness soaring.. mass exodus of indigenous brits from the city.. illegal immigration soaring.. but on the plus side.. he has enforced a ban on western bikinis being displayed on posters
Oh so being an ignorant bigot makes one an upstanding citizen lol
and tick tock.. clocks ticking for the big london hit.. wouldnt wanna be ya
Are the Catholics up to there old tricks again then ?
Pete Munday if he is Muslim he is Islamic. he’s just moderate and no us Catholics are not up to the old tricks, and yes your the bigot here.
^wtf read a book
Islam beheads people, burns them alive, sells women at market, and wipes out all other religions. It’s really not something to encourage!
Pete is clearly a muslim or some miscreant hoping to gain from shariah.
Len Theriault
No Im not a bigot , the Catholic comment was a tease , only idiots think that an entire religious group should be slandered because of the murderous antics of a minority of the faith.
Kevin Hutchins
I am an atheist so dont encourage any religion , hard to see how I could therefore gain from any mumbo jumbo !
Who cares? Elect who you want and let the chips fall where they may! Good or bad!!
Here in ccanada we elect people because they take their shirts off.
don’t forget his nice hair.
And eating other peoles food
Is that how you voted, Len?
Julie Gamble No but i am sure you did.
Why not the muslem bastards are taking over and soon the next mayor in Chicago will be a muslem
Not sure that you all don’t already have one.
..or just maybe they are less bigoted than you?
Why? Because he’s a Social Democrat who has helped youth get off the streets through sports programs? Or because you are a bigot?
As soon as the “normal” Muslim faithful loudly decry their murderous brethren, and denounce sharia law belief, I will stop being a bigot.
Get over it.. Not like the white or black guys have all done such a bang up job at Mayors. I don’t care if they are polkadots, just do the damn job the right way, work for the voters not special interests.
You really want shariah law?
Kevin Hutchins Only a fuckwit thinks that a member of the Social Democrat Party wants to introduce Shariah Law. Hello, fuckwit.
You are comparing an ideology/way of life with skin colour? Islam is NOT a race – it is a religion and a way of life – everywhere it is implemented is against freedom.
well, if they are askin for trouble, this would be the way to go!!!!!
What a bunch of idiots…send them home…
Yeah, go away bigots.
Germany is finished so does it matter?
LOL They are the strongest economy in the world, and they have learned from history that illogical intolerance is a bad thing. How about you?
Jonathan Schaper Zog dos tsu der crocodile…
That’s the plan….load up countries with Muslims so they can take control…Europe’s done…
Were not far behind
If Germany allows the Muslims to take over their entire reputation will be ruined
At least they are not being assholes like you.
u fkrs are sick take ur country bk fire the dip shits
There are now so many Muslims there, and they all get to vote. They WILL pick their own and create their own Muslim state. No one seems to understand this simple fact. If you let them in to your land, they will try to take over. They do not wish to assimilate, they want to order you to assimilate to their ways.
I think you are confusing human beings with the Borg. Maybe stop confusing Star Trek villains with reality.
That was how the British empire was created,learn to coexist
sounds like fix is in on this shit, no reasonably sane citizen would vote in people either so hateful or messed up in the head , to want to bring these creatures into our countries, seems like some real nasty undercurrent of rat shit is flowing behind the scene allowing this to happen,
Yeah! How dare he as a Social Democrat do things like start up sports programs to help street kids? The villain! And his skin colour has nothing to do with your knee-jerk reaction, does it?
Jonathan Schaper ha ha, another “race” card player to promote the spread of the “religion of peace ” and yer BS propaganda, PISS OFF
Bad miskate.
haven’t muslims been raping their way through that country..?
Better usher in sharia law to keep them from breaking the law!
See, that’s what happens when half your country is muslims…. the refugees eventually put in their own in power, and then the rules change folks, the rules change, and not for the good of the “whites”
or anyone other than muslim….
Europe will soon have an economic collapse it will self destruct
Mazi Germany shall reign for a thousand years?
Yeah maybe, but it won’t be for long! A storm is coming and all these evil lil sheets are going to be swept back to the hell-hole they came from really fast!
Hopefully not
Can a major muslim city get a gay or jewish mayor?
Its happened before.
Who gives a shit
England has fallen and the rest of Europe will follow like dominoes!!!! Englandistan!!!LOL
Say it isn’t so. Your giving your country and customs away. It will never be the same when they are done destroying it.
What’s really ironic are all the bigots here stating that Muslims refuse to integrate when the very person you’re all shitting your pants about is actually supporting rules requiring children to undergo German language tests at the age of 4. But the truth doesn’t matter to bigots and racists, does it? Stupid useless fucktards that you are.
When they do try to integrate…they’re fined. I thought it was awesome that Muslim women found a way to be able to go to the beach and join in the fun…but that was taken away from them, too. It’s not that they don’t want to fit it….society won’t let them fit in. I’m ashamed by these people.
Das ist Di Ende of di Rhineland
very bad,,dont allow it
Who fucking cares if hes muslim you closed minded pricks?
Hes probably a ten times better leader than Merkel anyways and hes only gonna be a mayor
All part of the multi national EU plan to destabalise Europe.
Fucking idiots
Europe is about 10 years away from becoming a Muslim state, France has as much muslims as french citizens now, Germany going the same way Sweden is well fkd , europe has gone past the point of no return, 10.years muslims will be the majority and they will vote for sharia tha whole lot it’s just round the corner. The country has to do what the majority wants, this is how they are guna fk everyone over. Before yiu low it france won’t be france anymore
Around 7.7 million Muslims in France.
Total population of France around 66 million.
Where on earth did you get that 50/50 figure from?
Hes a retarded moron.
He’s , and retarded moron in this context may be a tautology ? …… but yeah pretty definately an idiot. How can people hold such extreme opinions that even the slightest bit of research or common sense would disprove.
Jonathan Schaper and you live where?!
muslims are as hateful as hitler.
Youre as hateful as nethanyahu
People are so bigoted and racist that they can’t see beyond their nose,London is thriving no matter who the mayor is,there are always checks and balances and accountability,get your heads out of the sand and learn to live in a diverse world,don’t forget the British empire,the German colonies,French colonies etc no one wants to recreate the past but let us live for the future irrespective of who the mayor is off what city.people grow up
These screwed up Muslims have screwed there country suposidly lol so now they go to other countries for help only to force some of there failed ways/beliefs on other thriving countries and remember these resarts are suposidly running from these failed ways lol. It is funny how stupid it all works out to be lol. I say force them all back into there own country of failedness and make them fix that fucked up shit first then maybe just maybe they will be worthy of acceptance around d the world till then they are fucked up spreading destruction and untrustworthy by all remember they have ruined there own kind it is no ones fault but there own let’s see them fix there own first for a change instead of spreading the damage it isn’t rocket science ffs if there are really so many good Muslims prove it ffs
Oh people see and they see how you fucking muslims destroy every nation you enter and turn them into war torn hell holes. CRUSADERS UNITE time to repel this invasion of savages! Islam is the only ‘religion’ in open conflict with every society, religion, and culture around the world so I say yes ‘coexist’, COEXIST TO WIPE OUT ISLAM. Christians, Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Shinto, Taoist, Atheist ect UNITE to defeat this plague on the world called islam!
This is my favourite one.
Everyone knows that London was 100% white until khan became mayor in 2016 then within a few months he has apparently flooded the city with ‘his kind’.
Yup that’s exactly how it happened.
Just out of curiosity what do you mean by ‘his own kind’? Do you mean people born in south London in 1970?
Like him.
Or is this just really naked racism at play here because you’re scared of all dem brownies?
It doesn’t matter what one says some body is gonna twist it I am not racist to me all lives matter & no his kind are snobby gits I just don’t like him OK SO GET A LIFE YOU RACIST
Because stupid Brits let it happen— Just like there are plenty of stupid Americans who are letting it happen in America!
Margaret Howard youre not even from London? Stay in your shitty little hovel. Also, your grandkids looks inbred.
Why are we bringing her grandkids into this? Meanie.
What did you say how dare you insult ppl you don’t even know I am London born & bred you ignoramus pompous wannabe & as for my grandkids I wouldn’t think of insulting any child
The pure hypocritical irony
You cone from a culture that thinks rapeing children &marrying your family members is normal & you have the audacity to say my family is in inbred ha ha
……. ignoramus no. Pompous , possibly. But definately a meanie. However you did say flooding the country with his kind. And that sort of comment invites a vitriolic reply. How come your comment is acceptable and his is not, both are based on opinion and not fact.
True but it was just a figure of speech I know he’s born & bred here I honestly do have a problem with his double standards I used to like him until he started talking at meetings with isis flag showing
This is gold Margaret. Absolute gold. Can you explain how I am racist?
And can you show me images of him at these meetings with an Isis flag? In correct context?
Also do you do stand-up?
Robyn-Antonia Ellwood do ur thing
But it’s fun
…….after the packed 300% turnout (voter fraud) in london….should be no problem for berlin……
Yeah that didnt happen you dickwad
i am all people of race to run for any mayor etc you got to leave your ideology behind and not take it with you to your job you doing the job for all people some mayor leader and prime minister do not know that
OMG! I thought London falling was bad enough, but Berlin too! It’s probably too late for Europe now too, as will be an Islamic state in the very near future. Very worrying indeed!
Tenner bets it won’t
they are one step away from having an islamic Hitler right now
Why dont you join your local KKK/White power if you wamma stop it
because i am civilized unlike you savages that follow islam. What part of that do you not understand. Remember this is not your country. What happens to you next is what you will deserve when the people decide they had enough of your kind.
Deutschistan LOL!!!
Germany deserves what it gets, the fuking fools! I feel no sympathy towards Germany or the rest of Europe for that matter. The only European countries with any sense at all are the ones not allowing moslem invaders in! In time those smart countries will be surrounded by islam. War will no doubt occur!
USA and Canada are doing the same.
Another screw up of the liberal politicians.
Bringing people from refugee camps during war is not a screw up. 68% of the Syrian refugees we brought in were children…and a lot of them have private sponsorships. We are a very multicultural country…get over it.
why would Germans elect him – they are trying to get in these positions of authority- I don’t trust any of them
It wouldn’t surprise me
Does the Quran really contain over a hundred verses promoting violence?
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.
The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God. Most contemporary Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book’s call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Their apologists cater to these preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally do not stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology.
Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad’s own martial legacy, along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history.
Quran (2:191-193) – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing…
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)” (Translation is from the Noble Quran) The verse prior to this (190) refers to “fighting for the cause of Allah those who fight you” leading some to believe that the entire passage refers to a defensive war in which Muslims are defending their homes and families. The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, however, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did). Verse 190 thus means to fight those who offer resistance to Allah’s rule (ie. Muslim conquest). The use of the word “persecution” by some Muslim translators is disingenuous (the actual Arabic words for persecution – “idtihad” – and oppression – a variation of “z-l-m” – do not appear in the verse). The word used instead, “fitna”, can mean disbelief, or the disorder that results from unbelief or temptation. This is certainly what is meant in this context since the violence is explicitly commissioned “until religion is for Allah” – ie. unbelievers desist in their unbelief.
you lying sack of shit you have deliberately misquoted these. The verse talks about those who are attacking you and actually states that if they desist then they should be escorted to a place of safety. I have seen most people only quote the bit about attacking non believers and not quote the who text so people who are too lazy to look it up believe it. You are the first scumbag that has deliberately changed the text you perpetuate you racist ideology.
Anwarul Jack Khan
Are you saying that some Muslims, in the name of Islam, are not carrying out outrageous acts of violence, all over the globe?
(btw, I believe that Colonialist interference in their ancient lands is unacceptable, and must stop immediately)
Anwarul Jack Khan I agree with u man, but calling her names just makes u as bad as her. Don’t let ignorant fools get to u, yes speak out against their bigotry, but do so calmly, don’t fall into their trap, they want u to explode so they can say, “Just another typical Muslim.” Be better than them.
so does the King James version of the Holy Bible, get reading
Show us all that data plz ?
So easy to use religion as an excuse for violence, but has this man done anything wrong? Bully, cheat, crooked politician?
Ever wonder why democracy isn’t available in their own countries ? Here’s a clue ! Feet under the table , undermine government , introduce Sharia Law . It’s why you won’t see Muslims trying this stunt in Israel . I see the Isis flags flying around London have disappeared under their beds for now .
If they imported so many muslims as London.
It may happen.
Our lesson must be
Do not vote for politicians that do not value Canadian heritage, moral and ethical values.
Obviously u don’t, Canada is Multicultural, that means the country is made up of different people, from all over the world.
Matthew Pettipas Obviously you are a person with a very good heart
I believe politically and theoretically you are correct. In fact this is the way as USA and Canada where created and developed. North America’s populations are a blending of all sort of cultures and so far it worked out well.
Unfortunately the civilized western world has been invaded by good people, but with different moral and ethical principles. People running away from their countries because under their social system and laws they are in danger or unhappy.
But now, instead of accepting our laws, moral and principles they demand us to change because they miss the political system and laws they left behind. !!!!!!!??????
I hope you would agree that If we do not accept hate to Jews and Christians, pedophilia, polygamy, genital female mutilation, arranged marriages, honour killing, hate, killing of infidels and apostates, body covering of females, terrorism and so on; we must not vote for politicians that support changes in our moral, principles, laws and way of living; just because these good people mean future votes.
How how Europe is deteriorating
Why not…America’s got a Muslim president!
obama is the worst president
Another Obama hater, newsflash, Obama is a Christian, always has been.
Matthew…not a Christian…MUSLIM!
That would be another nail in Germany’s coffin.
Or, most of Europe…
I don’t understand electing a muslim for any seat in the civilised western world…not getting a vote from thank you..I’m not evwer going to wear a 3 room burka tent thank you very much.
U claim to be civilised yet ur acting like an ignorant fool, ironic.
Learn from our mistakes!
Germany stop it now
the british got London mayor hes trying to change everything and not in our favour
Troll somewhere else
Is that matter if muslim guy becoming mayor of Berlin? ?
Whether He’s Christian or Muslim he believes in talking snakes and that is enough to say He shouldn’t be in charge of anything, time to get all religion out of politics
Of course it matters ! Muslims place is in middle east not in the western world !
Corina, that is one of the ridiculous things I have ever heard. I guess all Christians should move to the Middle East then, cuz the Christian religion was founded there.
The muslims and Christians and all others have same creator no matter what,as we muslims see this world as our home whatever we are and we do what is good and stand against bad things no matter what come to us
We must love the place where we live no matter what religion we have
no way . you need to stop this muslim mayor
Would not happen. Do not forget in the recent elections, AFD get majority and they are total against Muslims.
Yes….. they will
Yes they will because B blood semetic groups run Germany . It is a quasi puppet state that is hell bent on assimulating the races .
Best not go there you will regret it to no end
Get out and vote people of Germany look what the asshole in London England is doing.
Maybe even a prime minister.
no… no…
They can have the one we’ve got in London !!…
Apparently a bigot is a person who opposes slavery, female genital mutilation, child brides, honor killings etc.
Judge the man for what he has done in public life. Lots of whites/black politicians have done a lousy job.
Poor Germany.. I feel for ya… Your country is being turned into something that we havnt seen before
Judge the man on his character, not his religion, jeez.
Matthew, sure and then you get what we now have in the U.S. A country that has destroyed itself. Hope you’re ready for the storm.
Thay are going to give him the job… if thay don’t thay will up set them …..stand up and and say no…
If London gets one Berlin also gets one.
Of course Berlin is ready for that .
Good luck
And fuck you
I believe Hitler prophesied this would happen….
London has one
We are watching the German genocide! It will be in Muslim Country very soon! And the brainwashed liberals are jumping to their death like lemmings!!
Zionist revenge
I hope not!
Oh why? Simply because he’s a Muslim?
Matthew Pettipas if you support women’s rights & LGBT rights, then you shouldn’t support Islam.
Spot on frank regressive liberalism is the biggest threat to the west than nationalism
Why not Germans are retard people…
Germany was a nightmare for many in the last century. It is now headed back to its vomit.
oh no!
How about putting a bag over his pathetic head and dumping the ba$tard over the border! Hey Germans, now you “know” how the Jews felt 75 years ago! Like it ?
If they do elect that mooslim then they deserve all that’s coming to them. I just feel for the poor fucks that don’t want that Islamic BS and voted against it.
Won’t matter. War is coming.
Could they? Maybe if they are lucky. If Allah wills it will be so…
No. One Muslim mayor who dowsn’t care about non-Muslims is bad enough
Calgary did and what a great mayor. It is irrelevant
german fools
Don’t allow this man to become mayor. He will start implementing sharia law and every thing in favor of muzzies. Once he’s in, it will be had to get him out. Get out and vote people. Keep him out of office!
He isn’t a Sharia Muslim
shouldn’t matter eitherway.
Sooner or later people will have rise up in arms if your in a war and you have one bullet left who do you give it to the enemy or the traitor the answer the traitor
A lot of inciting hatred as usual….the person who gets job will be the best for it.Also the fact it’s Mayoral position the candidate is already in government post and working with the communities.Good Luck
The Muslims are taking over the world. They believe in Sharia Law and therefore don’t belong in any office of any free nation!
Don’t do it, you will regret it.Sadiq Khan is a arsehole.
London currently have Muslim mayor I think his good
No no no he isn’t ! He’s causing a lot of unrest in these British Isles 🙂
He is so tolerant and such a great London mayor, he as banned bikini wearing woman on advertisements on buses ect from London, keep the gd work up Islamic voters are praying to Allah for more bans that offend them to be implemented. You no gd C##T
So do CAGE.And many of the ISIS supporters he stood on platforms with.There will be no increase in London transport fares. Lied. Housing promise lied.And the only thing he has done is create thought crime.Allah Akbar
Bill why are you so desperate to see women in bikinis on buses? Surely banning the sexual exploitation of the female body for advertising is a positive step
Don’t,,,you will be sorry Germany if you vote a Muslim mayor in ,,,,,
berlin is turkey
Stupid if they do !
If they are that stupid, I guess they can…we have a muslim president…we’re THAT stupid…
Ion Vrabie not like Romania…flawless eh lol
Why is someone’s religion even brought up in a democracy? Who cares? It is relevant, so long as they keep their personal beliefs out of the public realm it shouldn’t matter.
But muslims don’t, do they.Always trying to change laws to suit them!
How can you say what someone will do based on the actions of a few? Am I concerned about the potential? Absolutely. But as a citizen of the country, province, city, each of us has the responsibility to ensure they hold to the Constitution. Yes, if they overstep, oust them, but I would say that of a Christian or a Jew as well.
Tina Henderson
Here we go again! You leftists always use that term. A FEW!!!
Oh so there’s only about what, maybe 15 or 20 Muslims that have that radical mindset? Get your head out of the sand Tina. Five percent of Islam is radicalized. You do the math, what’s five percent of 1.5 billion??? These are the ones who firmly believe that Islam should rule the world. Now just as disturbing as that number is, there are millions upon millions more so called moderates who believe that sharia law should be the law of the land. There’s a Pew poll that came out a few years back, that showed the numbers of people in Islamic countries who believe in sharia law only, and the numbers were staggering. I have the polls saved to my photos, but unfortunately I can’t share them on this thread. There is a global jihad taking place at this very moment, and if we don’t stop the politically correct nonsense, they will dominate the planet, and our grandchildren will be forced to live under Islamic law. If you’re okay with that, then keep on doing what you’re doing!!!
5% is radicalized. OK, how many Christians are? Think about it, they try to ban same sex marriage, abortion, divorce, put prayer back into public schools. There are millions of these radical Christians just in the USA. And how about Jews? How many of them outwardly HATE anyone of middle eastern heritage based solely on their differing beliefs. Radicalism is in all religions, none are exempt. So long as we continue to use religion as a dividing line we will continue to give it power. We need to stop giving it power.
A Leopard does not change its spots. AND do not think for a minute that this person will not bring his religion and sharia law into the agenda Do not elect him!!!!
People like yourself are the reason Humanity can’t progress.
The Middle East has not shown much progress. Technological, yes. Human rights, no.
Brian Sheehan, people like you just confirm there are stupid people in the world!
Be fun when Mad M gets kicked out and er some non PC proper Germans run the Country.Cant wait.
Don’t do it! 🙂
Who fucking cares if he’s Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or whatever? As long as he can do his job.
Because Islam is a violent intolerant socio-political cult that encourages violence and destruction of non-believers.
Inazuma Akatsuki I’m certain you’ve never even talked to a Muslim person before. I see much more violent attitude from these so called “Christians.”
You’re missing the point. The problem is not his religion as a personal belief. The problem is political Islam and the imposition of its views on the rest of the populace.
Ya Brian, I see murdering Christians running around beheading people and blowing people up! Give your head a shake idiot!
who cares u ask german christians care u fool
Anne Christians murder, slaughter and mass shoot ALL the time it just isn’t mainstream media because anything anti-chrisitan isn’t beneficial for propaganda purposes
Javier Uribe Oh because western Christians have had no affect on the population of the rest of the world yes?
Anne Crowley Saudi Arabia, a US ally, beheads more people than “ISIS” does.
Be careful Berlin! We are seeing the bad effects of a bad choice in our mayor!
jsut the media hipe
Thatd be great! Sharia all the way
Europeans are f^*£€d!! May Trump become president here in the US
Don’t come crying to us if you do!
In a democracy where there is a separation of church and state, his religion should be irrelevant. In Canada, one of our major cities (Calgary) has had a Muslim mayor for several years. He’s very popular, in what is generally considered a conservative city, and by all accounts has done a first rate job. No sign of Sharia law.
Not yet John! That’s not how the caliphate works!
I doubt that the mayor of Calgary takes orders from the “caliphate”.
I doubt that the mayor of Calgary takes orders from the “caliphate”.
And guess who defines “unrealistic”? And if you think it just pertains to swimwear ads, think a bit more.
Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, bans ads with ‘unrealistic’ bodies – Washington Times
How is this not a positive step? The unrealistic editing and use of women’s bodies for advertising purposes is a huge cause of suicide and body dysmorphia
Robyn … first, no one shames you unless you feel that shame, and why do we let others define that for us? Why are we so fragile? Are we not tired of victimhood? . . Two, it is not just “women’s” bodies used by the media. …ANYWAY, is one so fragile that these “unrealstic” bodies in ads (as opposed to, say, obese bodies?) “shame” those to suicide and bad health choices? I know the psycho babble industry says it is; there’s a lot more to one’s mental health than these “ads” being the impetus; that’s the real crime: Ignoring the mental health issues that reside within someone, ad or no ad. … But, again, if one thinks this kind of rule-making stops at “unrealistic ads”, think again, what else is unrealistic? Condom ads? How about Planned Parenthood ads? …. The road to totalitarianism is traveled step by positive step.
So what ?? They better be glad he is not a Conservative/Fundamentalist of any other religion …..
I hope not
I hope not
Europe has already bowed to islam so has the UN but never will we. Death to radical islam
The EU will BE Muslim in 40 years…………mayube sooner.
People are getting stupid electing there executioners
Political correctness at its finest Michael!!!
u need to wake up
Just an observation, why is it only caucasian countries that need to be “diversified” ?
No….just NO!! Not for 2,995 years should a Muslim ever step foot into any Public Figure where their Religion and people can harm others. On Sept 11, 2001…2,995 USA innocent people’s lives were taken “tragically and painfully” in 9/11 attacks by Muslim power heads (17 of those 19 terrorists were of Saudi Arabian descent)….these people planned all those 2,995 tragic deaths for 20 God forsaken years and many Moderate Muslim’s living amongst those Terrorist MURDERERS knew about this death plan and DID NOTHING to stop them and save all those llives….. 20 years of planning….. 2,995 innocent people killed tragically….for what??? TO put one of them into POWER?? Not one of these Moderate Muslims has STILL ever come forward…NOT ONE!! Justice needs to be served by the Muslim population who planned these Murders…especially the Saudi Arabians. NO ONE OF THESE MODERATE MUSLIMS SHOULD GET INTO POWER FOR 2,995 YEARS!! ONE YEAR FOR ONE INNOCENT LIFE MURDERED!
Calgary has the greatest mayor ever, love Mayor Naheed Nenshi who is a Muslim. He is just the best!
If non citizens vote
would be absolutely the stupidest thing they could let happen
And yet another one with his head in the sand! This is precisely what the jihadists want. They thrive on political correctness. It works very well for their cause, and the caliphate will be successful if this continues.
So cut your nose off to spite your face!!!
So cut your nose off to spite your face!!!
What an absolutely narrow minded and vindictive headline!! What a crock of absolutely bigoted shite!!
What an absolutely narrow minded and vindictive headline!! What a crock of absolutely bigoted shite!!
Just like those Christians who all want to be in power, maybe only the non-religious should be allowed then
Before you know it Christians will be trying to force their beliefs onto the non-religious public by gaining political power and creating/amending laws to benefit their cause.
Yeah because that’s happened over the centuries right? Lmao lady, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!
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